1. Eradicate voter fraud
2. Combat identity theft
3. Provide authentication services during ATM and EPOS transactions.


Chad-free voting society-EVoteTechnology
Chad-free voting society-EVoteTechnology
About V.I.P. (Voter Integrity Party)
About V.I.P. (Voter Integrity Party)

Our Mission​
Bring America's voting technology into the 21st century via EVoteTechnology, palm vein authentication profile creation for registered voters, to eradicate voter fraud and election fraud during United States Presidential Elections, combat identity theft, and provide Authentication As A Service (AAAS) during ATM and Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) transactions to combat identity theft.
Our Vision
Restore integrity to our U.S. Presidential Elections and ensure that every legal vote is counted and verifiable.
Security -
Palm Vein Authentication
Security -
Palm Vein Authentication
Our biometric security protocol utilizes Fujitsu PalmSecure Biometric palm vein scanner technology which is also incorporated into our biological and biometric authentication system.
Registered Voter Protection against
Identity Theft
Registered Voter Protection against
Identity Theft
VIP shall bring America's voting technology into the 21st century with EVoteTechnology (EVT), Palm Vein Authentication, and security protocol by providing each registered voter with a biometric signature.
Modern day voting in the 21st century mandates more voter participation by the individual voter to guarantee the integrity, accountability, and verification of the voting process so that every legally cast ballot is counted and verifiable.

Research & Development
Research & Development
EVT communication protocol shall be the new platinum standard for voting in United States Presidential Elections which mandate:
- Authentication of registered voter.
- Proof of Life.
- Pairing of registered voter's biometric and biological profiles.
- Proof of Presence.
- Confirmation receipt for cast ballot.
What we do
What we do

Educational Scholarship Programs
Educational Scholarship Programs
Entrepreneurial spirit develops in the individuals who demonstrate a true passion for building something great from nothing and they are willing to push themselves to the limits to achieve their big goals ideas and visions, Educational Scholarship Assistance (ESA) are given to inspire the entrepreneurial spiritual growth.

Transportation Assistance Programs
Transportation Assistance Programs
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has forever changed the world.
Now that a national network is being built to provide Transportation As A Service (TAAS) via electric vehicles, trains and planes the need to provide individual
transportation resources has become a necessity,
Individual Transportation Assistance System (ITAS) utilizing,
VIP Express
(Verification of Individual Participation) authentication protocol shall become the reliable inexpensive resource to combat identity theft.

Wellness Check Programs
Wellness Check Programs
Regular checking of vitals for senior citizens living independently is the first line of defense against chronic or well managed health concerns through Wellness Check Programs (WCP) senior citizens can independently monitor and share their health vitals, Blood Pressure, glucose level, and pain management resources.

Homeless Assistance Programs
Essential resources for America's homeless populations around the country continue to fail to address individual needs, through our Homeless Assistance Programs (HAP) we deliver individual resources that are able to be delivered with personal accountability being maintained.

Child Abduction Deterrent Programs
Child Abduction Deterrent Programs
Being proactive whether than reactive when addressing the reality that child abduction in the United States has become a national epidemic, resulting in thousands of children being abducted each year. Child Abduction Deterrent (CAD) equips a child for life with the tools to unequivocally establish their identity and thereby allow them to be reunited with their family.
Work Assistance Programs
Work Assistance Programs
Challenges faced by individuals unemployed which force them to make the decision to relocate to find work through Work Assistance Resources (WAR) are made available during re-employment after relocating to a new region.


Join Membership at: vipme.org
Let us know if you are ready to join
"The Revolution of Change!"
Get in touch
Get in touch
Give us a call
Give us a call
P.O. Box 19581
Overland Park, KS 66285